✔ 決算書の科目 英語一覧【資産編】

勘定科目 | Accountomg Title |
貸借対照表 | Balance sheets |
資産 | Assets |
流動資産 | Current assets |
現金 | Cash / Cash on hand |
小口現金 | Petty cash |
当座預金 | Checking account |
普通預金 | Saving account / Ordinary account /Cash in banks |
定期預金 | Term deposit |
現金及び預金 | Cash and deposits |
受取手形 | Notes receivable-trade |
売掛金 | Accounts receivable-trade |
貸倒引当金 | Allowance for doubtful accounts |
関係会社売掛金 | Accounts receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates-trade |
割賦売掛金 | Accounts receivable-installment |
営業未収入金 | Operating accounts receivable |
完成工事未収入金 | Accounts receivable from completed construction contracts |
営業貸付金 | Operating loans receivable |
従業員貸付金 | Employee loans receivable |
有価証券 | Short-term investment securities |
親会社株式 | Stocks of parent company |
営業投資有価証券 | Operational investment securities |
棚卸資産 | Inventories |
商品 | Merchandise |
製品、副産物及び作業くず | Finished goods, by-products and scraps |
製品 | Finished goods |
副産物 | By-product |
商品及び製品 | Merchandise and finished goods |
半製品 | Semi-finished goods |
原材料 | Raw materials |
仕掛品 | Work in process |
未成工事支出金 | Costs on uncompleted construction contracts |
貯蔵品 | Supplies |
積送品 | Consignment |
販売用不動産 | Real estate for sale |
仕掛販売用不動産 | Real estate for sale in process |
前渡金 | Advance payments-trade |
前払費用 | Prepaid expenses |
繰延税金資産 | Deferred tax assets |
未収収益 | Accrued income |
未収利息 | Accrued interest |
短期貸付金 | Short-term loans receivable |
関係会社短期貸付金 | Short-term loans receivable to subsidiaries and affiliates |
未収入金 | Accounts receivable-other |
関係会社未収入金 | Accounts receivable-other from subsidiaries and affiliates |
未収消費税等 | Consumption taxes receivable |
未収還付法人税等 | Income taxes receivable |
関係会社預け金 | Deposit paid in subsidiaries and affiliates |
差入保証金 | Guarantee deposits / Lease deposits |
立替金 | Advances paid |
仮払金 | Suspense payments |
預け金 | Deposits paid |
リース債権 | Lease receivables |
リース投資資産 | Lease investment assets |
デリバティブ債権 | Derivatives |
為替予約 | Forward exchange contracts |
金利スワップ資産 | Interest rate swap assets |
金利スワップ | Interest rate swap |
買建通貨オプション | Purchased currency option |
通貨オプション | Currency option |
オプション資産 | Option |
前払年金費用 | Prepaid pension cost |
固定資産 | Noncurrent assets |
有形固定資産 | Property, plant and equipment |
建物 | Buildings |
建物附属設備 | Buildings and accompanying facilities |
構築物 | Structures |
機械及び装置 | Machinery and equipment |
船舶 | Vessels |
車両運搬具 | Vehicles |
工具、器具及び備品 | Tools, furniture and fixtures |
土地 | Land |
リース資産 | Lease assets |
減価償却累計額 | Accumulated depreciation |
減損損失累計額 | Accumulated impairment loss |
減価償却累計額及び減損損失累計額 | Accumulated depreciation and impairment loss |
建設仮勘定 | Construction in progress |
賃貸不動産 | Real estate for rent |
無形固定資産 | Intangible assets |
特許権 | Patent right |
借地権 | Leasehold right |
地上権 | Surface right |
商標権 | Right of trademark |
実用新案権 | Utility model right |
意匠権 | Design right |
鉱業権 | Mining right |
漁業権 | Fishery right |
入漁権 | Common of piscary |
ソフトウエア | Software |
ソフトウエア仮勘定 | Software in progress |
のれん | Goodwill |
リース資産 | Lease assets |
施設利用権 | Right of using facilities |
電話加入権 | Telephone subscription right |
電気供給施設利用権 | Right of using electric supply facilities |
電気通信施設利用権 | Right of using telecommunication facilities |
電信電話専用施設利用権 | Right of using telephone and telegraph facilities |
公共施設利用権 | Right of using public facilities |
水道施設利用権 | Right of using water facilities |
その他の施設利用権 | Right of using other facilities |
工業所有権 | Industrial property |
借家権 | House leasehold right |
特許実施権 | Right of using patent |
水利権 | Water right |
著作権 | Copyright |
投資その他の資産 | Investments and other assets |
投資有価証券 | Investment securities |
関係会社株式 | Stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates |
関係会社社債 | Bonds of subsidiaries and affiliates |
出資金 | Investments in capital |
関係会社出資金 | Investments in capital of subsidiaries and affiliates |
匿名組合出資金 | Investments in silent partnership |
長期貸付金 | Long-term loans receivable |
貸倒引当金 | Allowance for doubtful accounts |
関係会社長期貸付金 | Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates |
株主、役員又は従業員に対する長期貸付金 | Long-term loans receivable from shareholders, directors or employees |
親会社株式 | Stocks of parent company |
破産更生債権等 | Claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation and other |
長期前払費用 | Long-term prepaid expenses |
長期前払消費税等 | Long-term prepaid consumption taxes |
前払年金費用 | Prepaid pension cost |
繰延税金資産 | Deferred tax assets |
投資不動産 | Real estate for investment |
不動産信託受益権 | Beneficiary right of real estate in trust |
信託土地 | Land in trust |
信託建物 | Buildings in trust |
デリバティブ債権 | Derivatives |
為替予約 | Forward exchange contracts |
金利スワップ資産 | Interest rate swap assets |
金利スワップ | Interest rate swap |
買建通貨オプション | Purchased currency option |
通貨オプション | Currency option |
オプション資産 | Option |
長期預け金 | Long-term deposits |
長期預金 | Long-term time deposits |
保険積立金 | Insurance funds |
会員権 | Membership rights |
ゴルフ会員権 | Golf club membership |
施設利用会員権 | Facility membership |
差入保証金 | Guarantee deposits / Lease deposits |
敷金 | Lease deposits |
敷金及び保証金 | Lease and guarantee deposits |
入会保証金 | Deposits on admission |
信託受益権 | Trust beneficiary right |
長期未収入金 | Long-term accounts receivable-other |
建設協力金 | Construction assistance fund receivables |
投資損失引当金 | Allowance for investment loss |
繰延資産 | Deferred assets |
創立費 | Deferred organization expenses |
開業費 | Business commencement expenses |
株式交付費 | Stock issuance cost |
新株発行費 | Stock issuance cost |
社債発行費 | Bond issuance cost |
開発費 | Development expenses |