✔ 決算書の科目 英語一覧【負債編】
勘定科目 | Accountomg Title |
流動負債 | Current liabilities |
支払手形 | Notes payable-trade |
買掛金 | Accounts payable-trade |
営業未払金 | Operating accounts payable |
工事未払金 | Accounts payable for construction contracts |
商品券 | Gift certificates |
未払費用 | Accrued expenses |
繰延税金負債 | Deferred tax liabilities |
前受金 | Advances received |
前受収益 | Unearned revenue |
リース債務 | Lease obligations |
デリバティブ債務 | Derivatives liabilities |
為替予約 | Forward exchange contracts |
金利スワップ負債 | Interest rate swap liabilities |
金利スワップ | Interest rate swap |
売建通貨オプション | Sold currency option |
通貨オプション | Currency option |
製品保証引当金 | Provision for product warranties |
賞与引当金 | Provision for bonuses |
修繕引当金 | Provision for repairs |
役員賞与引当金 | Provision for directors’ bonuses |
債務保証損失引当金 | Provision for loss on guarantees |
工事損失引当金 | Provision for loss on construction contracts |
返品調整引当金 | Provision for sales returns |
未払金 | Accounts payable-other |
未払法人税等 | Income taxes payable |
未払事業所税 | Accrued business office taxes |
未払消費税等 | Accrued consumption taxes |
預り金 | Deposits received |
設備関係支払手形 | Notes payable-facilities |
設備関係未払金 | Accounts payable-facilities |
短期借入金 | Short-term loans payable |
関係会社短期借入金 | Short-term loans payable to subsidiaries and affiliates |
コマーシャル・ペーパー | Commercial papers |
1年内償還予定の社債 | Current portion of bonds |
1年内返済予定の長期借入金 | Current portion of long-term loans payable |
仮受金 | Suspense receipt |
仮受消費税等 | Suspense receipt of consumption taxes |
未払賞与 | Accrued bonuses |
未払役員報酬 | Directors’ compensation payable |
未払配当金 | Dividends payable |
株主、役員又は従業員からの短期借入金 | Short-term loans payable to shareholders, directors or employees |
株主、役員又は従業員からの預り金 | Deposits received from shareholders, directors or employees |
リース資産減損勘定 | Accumulated impairment loss on leased assets |
持分法適用に伴う負債 | Liabilities from application of equity method |
企業結合に係る特定勘定 | Provision incurred from a business combination |
割賦利益繰延 | Deferred installment income |
固定負債 | Noncurrent liabilities |
社債 | Bonds payable |
転換社債 | Convertible bonds |
転換社債型新株予約権付社債 | Convertible bond-type bonds with subscription rights to shares |
新株予約権付社債 | Bonds with subscription rights to shares |
長期借入金 | Long-term loans payable |
株主、役員又は従業員からの長期借入金 | Long-term loans payable to shareholders, directors or employees |
関係会社長期借入金 | Long-term loans payable to subsidiaries and affiliates |
退職給付引当金 | Provision for retirement benefits |
役員退職慰労引当金 | Provision for directors’ retirement benefits |
債務保証損失引当金 | Provision for loss on guarantees |
ポイント引当金 | Provision for point card certificates |
特別修繕引当金 | Provision for special repairs |
修繕引当金 | Provision for repairs |
製品保証引当金 | Provision for product warranties |
環境対策引当金 | Provision for environmental measures |
リース債務 | Lease obligations |
長期預り金 | Long-term deposits received |
長期割賦未払金 | Long-term accounts payable-installment purchase |
長期前受金 | Long-term advances received |
長期預り敷金 | Long-term lease deposited |
長期預り保証金 | Long-term guarantee deposited |
長期未払金 | Long-term accounts payable-other |
長期前受収益 | Long-term unearned revenue |
デリバティブ債務 | Derivatives liabilities |
為替予約 | Forward exchange contracts |
金利スワップ負債 | Interest rate swap liabilities |
金利スワップ | Interest rate swap |
売建通貨オプション | Sold currency option |
通貨オプション | Currency option |
繰延税金負債 | Deferred tax liabilities |
再評価に係る繰延税金負債 | Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation |
持分法適用に伴う負債 | Liabilities from application of equity method |
負債 | Liabilities |
純資産の部 | Net assets |
株主資本 | Shareholders’ equity |
資本金 | Capital stock |
新株式申込証拠金 | Deposit for subscriptions to shares |
資本剰余金 | Capital surplus |
資本準備金 | Legal capital surplus |
その他資本剰余金 | Other capital surplus |
資本剰余金 | Capital surplus |
利益剰余金 | Retained earnings |
利益準備金 | Legal retained earnings |
その他利益剰余金 | Other retained earnings |
減債積立金 | Reserve for bond sinking fund |
固定資産圧縮積立金 | Reserve for advanced depreciation of noncurrent assets |
特別償却準備金 | Reserve for special depreciation |
圧縮記帳積立金 | Reserve for reduction entry |
土地圧縮積立金 | Reserve for reduction entry of land |
建物圧縮積立金 | Reserve for reduction entry of buildings |
任意積立金 | Voluntary retained earnings |
別途積立金 | General reserve |
繰越利益剰余金 | Retained earnings brought forward |
その他利益剰余金 | Other retained earnings |
利益剰余金 | Retained earnings |
自己株式 | Treasury stock |
自己株式申込証拠金 | Deposit for subscriptions to treasury stock |
株主資本 | Shareholders’ equity |
評価・換算差額等 | Valuation and translation adjustments |
その他有価証券評価差額金 | Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities |
繰延ヘッジ損益 | Deferred gains or losses on hedges |
土地再評価差額金 | Revaluation reserve for land |
為替換算調整勘定 | Foreign currency translation adjustment |
評価・換算差額等 | Valuation and translation adjustments |
新株予約権 | Subscription rights to shares |
自己新株予約権 | Treasury subscription rights to shares |
非支配株主持分 | Non-controlling interests |
純資産 | Net assets |
負債純資産 | Liabilities and net assets |